Business Strategy Checklist

When initiating a business strategy for either your own business or someone else’s, this audit checklist is designed to help to capture the stages you’ll need to review.

You’ll be able to identify the gaps and relevant areas of the business you’ll need to consider, to result in a robust business strategy for you or your client.

This guide goes through the business plan, SWOT analysis, USP, market research, pricing, scaling and more!

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Meet Sally Timpson

Sally is a Strategic Growth Partner who helps businesses bridge the gap between brilliant IDEAS and actual RESULTS. She is a Certified Business Strategist and ADHD Practitioner - think of her as part strategist, part hands-on implementer - someone who doesn't just draw the map, but walks the journey with you. (And between you and I - she loves to roll up her sleeves and turn those big-picture plans into real, tangible progress.

Throughout her 20 years in the Arts and Event industry, she worked at the central point of information for the various teams - often in non-traditional offices such as a portacabin in a field, or a dressing room in a Stadium, and more often than not, the desk at the end of my bed in my hotel room. Despite the glamorous side of the world in which she worked, she was and still is someone who loves to help organise people and plan projects.


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